Making a Right Turn

I’m taking a break again from writing in this blog. I’m busy with a couple of projects along with continuing to work full time. In its wisdom, Fresno State has decided that it was not supporting learners who need flexible learning modalities and has mandated that all full time faculty teach primarily in person and not online. So I’ll be traveling to Fresno 3 days weekly to comply with this new mandate.

In 2022, Another “First” for a Black Man

Can. You. Believe. It?

That in 2022, we still have firsts for Black Americans in major positions of power.

Today, Representative Hakeem Jeffries, Democrat of New York, was selected to to serve as the first Black man to become minority leader in the House of Representatives.  It is an honor that Jeffries’ hard work was rewarded with a coveted political plum. It’s amazing that more than 400 years after Europeans invaded this land and created the United States that a Black man was recognized for the leadership he worked hard to attain.  

Still fighting to reach equitability…..

The cynic in me says “It’s about damned time!” My cynical self also sees that there are two things that permitted this to occur, The first is that long-time leader of the Democratic party Nancy Pelosi decided not to run for the position of House speaker. The second is that the Democratic Party is the minority party in the house now. Had either of those things not occurred, we’d still be looking for the “first” Black man leading the House.

LWB: Living While Black…No Matter Gender or Age

What’s the formula for success in the United States?


Graduate from high school………………check

Graduate from college…………………….check

Marry, raise your children…………………check

Raise your children after a divorce…………check

Work at a career………………………………………..check

Stay with the same employer over 25 years……..check

Return to school for additional education………….check

What happens if you do all the right things, according to the American dream? Shouldn’t you be able to take a walk during your work break and head back to work after that exercise?

Not if you’re a nearly 60 year old black woman.

My sister has accomplished all of those things. And more.

She was taking a walk near her workplace in Omaha when a grocery store nearby was robbed by a black woman. You can already guess what happened next.

My sister was stopped, questioned, detained, put in a police car and taken back to the store. Thank goodness the clerk was honest and told the police that my sister was not the thief.

My sister, who couldn’t work the remainder of the day, went home and cried.

Some of us, ironically, satirically, laughingly, call traveling in these United States DWB (driving while black).

I see it as broader… as LWB (living while black).

I also call it a symptom of the deeply embedded racism that has permeated this country since the Reagan area began nearly 34 years ago, multi-national corporations have tightened their control over our politicians and the tea party and its vitrolic attempts to promote one group (primarily white males) to power have stripped our nation of its future as a spiritual, caring, country that welcomes all Americans. A scholar recently called it white rage….because things aren’t the way they used to be when nearly all white men were considered unquestionably right, especially as contrasted against people of color.

I’m angry, dismayed, disheartened and frustrated.

LWB denies us, black folks, the right to live our lives in dignity. It also challenges us/me to look at police not as law-enforcing but as life-endangering bullies.

I’ve mentioned in a radio spot how I’d taught my sons, especially, when they were young, to defer to the police. I’d taught them that they couldn’t be normal kids if the police were to drive by–or stop them–they were to be polite, not assert their rights [at least not at that time] and to “bow” to police authority or they could be wrongfully detained, jailed or–in the worst possible scenario–killed. My strategy worked–none of my now adult sons have been murdered by police like Michael Brown was or by vigilantes like Trayvon Martin was. My heart aches for their mothers, fathers, families and friends.

Now, I’m afraid that I must teach my 3 year old granddaughter the same cautions about the police that I’d taught my sons. She’s smart and polite and very independent. I must caution her that the police aren’t necessarily around to help her; that she must be cautious. And that she must maintain that caution throughout her life….

As a country, we have a long way to go to to fulfill the promise of the Statue of Liberty; a promise which welcomed voluntary immigrants to the United States and which has been forgotten in the current climate.

“Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. “Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!””
–Emily Lazarus

Beautiful words. Ignored in the current political and social environment in the United States.

So, what is the formula for success in the United States?

If you’re white, the sky’s the limit. If you’re black you want to try to make a difference for future generations. And formula for success is still under advisement.

Plagiarism Workshop: How do they work?

I have posted about the issue of plagiarism and copyright law. Plagiarism’s impact in education is to reduce student writing to editing instead of writing. Many times, students are unclear on the definition of plagiarism and that’s why it occurs.

On August 18, 2014, at the Technology Innovations and Pedagogy conference at Fresno State, I will presenter a poster about the workshops; workshops that a colleague and I have offered since 2006. They have an impact, at least as reported by the students and by our pre and post-tests.

Here’s a PDF of the poster I’ll present at the conference: Assessing the Plagiarism Workshop.


Blackboard Keynote Ito: Food for Thought and Change

My interpretation of Blackboard World keynote speaker Ito’s key points were these:

  • Education and learning are 2 different things; Education is foisted upon one, learning is what one chooses.
  • Silos stand in the way of education; he believes in antidisciplinary (so do I!)
  • Open source/free resources can provide assistance in software AND hardware development

Oh, and he has a wicked sense of humor! figure jumping with excitement

Mobile Devices-New and Recycled Lessons

Lessons Learned-including keeping it (blog entry) short!

Keep it Short-Chunk the lessons (good for all learners!)

Regular self-checks (ditto on all learners)

Remember limitations on videos

Remind myself throughout the semester!

Mobile and Blackboard: Learning & Engaging Students

figure jumping with excitement I’m doing it again and I’m so excited!

I’m returning to Las Vegas for the Blackboard World conference. I enjoyed it so much last year!





Some take-aways included learning about the following:

  Journaling and its advantages Journaling in Blackboard




Listening to dynamic featured speakers Speaker-BbWorld 2013 2013-07-09 speaker-4




Attending a conference that included colleagues interested in promoting student learning and sharing with colleagues from throughout the world.

I’m looking forward to the information on mobile technology.

Students working around a cell phone
Truly working?

See you there!